Grow Your Email List & Make More Sales

Learn how to set up your WordPress website and your ConvertKit account so that you can collect email addresses.

Calling all ConvertKit and WordPress People!

This mini-class is for you!

With just 30 minutes of videos, this class will teach you how to set up your landing pages on your website

So that later, you can run a Facebook ad.

  • How to Integrate ConvertKit & WordPress

  • How to "wire" your ConvertKit landing page

  • How to create a landing page and thank you page in WordPress

  • How to polish your thank you page

  • Summary & wrap up

Watch Intro Video



Karen Nelson

Karen is the founder and owner of Karen Nelson Digital, a Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram advertising agency that has managed millions of dollars in ad spend for their clients. She got her start as an elementary school teacher but left after 15 years in the classroom to pursue a career in digital marketing. She's in the trenches managing complex ad campaigns every day and has been for the last 5 years. But she also remembers exactly what it felt like to be a beginner and not understand anything about ads. Karen is passionate about serving her clients and loves working with businesses that serve educators.